Pet Burial vs Cremation

Should You Have Your Pet Buried or Cremated?

Holding a pet funeral may not be for everyone but many experts believe that holding some type of ceremony or ritual can help us cope with the loss of a treasured animal friend.

****While many people think of the pet funeral as a modern custom, people have memorialized their pets since ancient times.
And while holding a pet funeral may not be for everyone, many experts believe that holding some type of ceremony or ritual can help us cope with the loss of a treasured animal friend. *****

Whether you choose burial or cremation for your pet’s final disposition, your approach to memorialization can be true to your religious views or environmental concerns.

Deciding whether pet burial or cremation is the best route depends on what’s best for you, your family, and your pet. Below are some things to keep in mind when you are considering pet burial or cremation.

Having your Pet Cremated

  • Cremation can be an economical alternative to burial.
  • Having your pet cremated doesn’t mean you can’t have a memorial.
  • There are many private pet crematories. Your veterinarian may offer the option of taking care of pet remains.
  • You can choose whether or not to have cremains returned to you
  • There many unique and beautiful options available for storing pet remains and creating a lasting memorial.

    Creating a Lasting Memorial

    A pet funeral or memorial service is just one of the ways you can honor your pet. Some common elements to include when arranging a pet funeral are

    • Candle Lighting: Many people like to include a simple candle lighting ceremony since it is an appropriate way to symbolize the spiritual nature of the ceremony.
    • Prayers and Blessings: Depending on religious beliefs, an appropriate prayer of blessing may be included.
    • Memorial Photographs and Videos: People often display photos of their pet which represent the spirit of the animal. If the location of the ceremony will allow and you have video footage of your pet interacting with family members, this can be a wonderful way to remember your pet.
    • Closing Goodbye: A popular way to end the ceremony is by giving a final farewell to your pet.

    Find the perfect memorial for your beloved pet from our diverse collection of handpicked items including necklaces, pet urns and keepsake urns.

They are designed to evoke the happy memories and joy that you shared with your pet. We strive to offer a collection of exceptional quality and a variety to satisfy your personal preferences for style and price.



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