Pet Loss — Coping With the Loss of a Pet

Coping With the Loss of a Pet

When you lose an animal companion, you will feel a wide variety of emotions. Sometimes the intensity of these emotions can be surprising, and they may subside after a period of time only to resurface again.

The period of recovery from pet loss is different for every person. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a pet knows that the bond between humans and animals can be extremely strong.

In fact, science has confirmed this. That’s why the grief you may experience with the loss of a pet can be just as intense as what you feel when you lose a human you are close to.

To make matters worse, pet owners are often forced to decide if a pet’s deteriorating health calls for euthanizing the animal. This can add a layer of confusion to the many emotions we feel during this difficult time.

We’ve put together information, tips and strategies to help you, and those who loved your pet come to terms with the loss.

Helpful Tips for Coping

Accept that what you are feeling is normal:

Being aware of these emotional shifts can help you understand that what you are feeling is completely normal. To learn more about the Five Stages of Grief click here

Allow yourself to grieve:

Don’t minimize your grief. The loss of a pet can spark deep feelings of grief. Everyone experiences loss differently so there’s no reason to expect specific behaviors.

Reach out:

Turning to a family member, friend, clergy, or support group may give you an outlet for expressing your feelings.Do not hesitate to contact Lee Funeral Home professionals if your grief is overwhelming you. Your veterinarian may also be able to provide a list of possible places to turn for help.

Create a ritual:

Today many people turn to pet funerals as part of the grieving process. While you may not want a full-blown funeral ceremony, creating a ritual may help you say goodbye and offer comfort and closure. Your ritual can be as simple or as complex as you like.




Creating a Lasting Memorial

Loss of a pet doesn’t mean you have to lose the memories.

Many people find that creating a special memorial can help in coping with the loss of a pet because it helps you hold on to the memories and provide a lasting tribute to your pet.

Here are just a few ways you can memorialize your pet:

  • Hold a funeral or memorial ceremony.
  • Plant a tree in your pet’s memory.
  • Post an online memorial or obituary.
  • Create a special place in your garden with a garden stone or marker infused with your pet’s ashes.
  • Find a spot in your home to display a special urn with your pet’s ashes.
  • Have your pet’s ashes encased in a piece of memorial jewelry or have a diamond or gemstone made.
  • Donate in your pet’s name to an organization that helps animals.



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Argwings Kodhek Road, next to Nairobi Hospital.

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